Friday, November 6, 2015

10 Things you will learn from Floriani's recorded Anatomy of a Design Webinar

Webinar Review of Floriani's Anatomy of a Design.

Floriani Total Control U webinars are a QUICK method to pump up your digitizing knowledge.

I recently sat down to watch Anatomy of a Design. You can link to this video thru the Floriani Club Section of your software (under the HELP TAB), and I recommend that everyone with FTC-U take time out to view this one. You must register to use My Floriani.Club to access all the videos.

You can't get the most out of your software investment, if you never learn to use it.

A unique feature of the pre-recorded webinars is that there are built-in breaks in the sessions that allowed attendees to pose questions that Walter Floriani answered. Not only is it a great learning experience, but you also get in-depth insight of the issues that stump other users.

By the end of the webinar, you will know the answers to these questions:

1) When you want to digitize a design, what do you do FIRST?

2) What portion of the design do you digitize first?

3) What are the 3 Main Types of Stitches

4) Length = ________ on an underlay.

5) What is the narrowest width for a satin stitch in embroidery?

6) What is the maximum stitch width that a satin stitch can be before you must convert the area to a fill stitch instead?

7) There are 6 possible combinations of stitch types in an embroidery design. 3 are listed below. What are the other 3?

Fill next to Fill
Fill next to Satin
Fill next to Running

8) What colors are the dots for START & END Points?

9) Stitch type creates the ________________.
    Stitch Direction creates the ____________________.

10) When digitizing a Fill Stitch, the direction of the stitch should be 45 degrees?
True or False?   If False, what should it be ________________________?

For those that want to digitize designs, but don't have a decent software to use, we have Floriani Total Control U on this school year's Loaner Program. You can borrow the software and try it out in your classroom. If you like it, we'll let you purchase it at a reduced Schools & Educator Price. If it doesn't work for your particular needs, return it to us according to the Loaner Program Agreement and there is no further obligation. Our Loaner Program allows you to test out the software before making any sort of purchase decision. Email or call 1-888-560-3227 x107. This option is available to classrooms in all 50 STATES. If you take advantage of on-line training, all training fees are waived.

To Buy Floriani Total Control U

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